• ACA 2024 Election Results

    On behalf of the ACA Nominating Committee I am pleased to announce the newly elected members of the ACA leadership!

    • Vice-President/President-Elect
      • Stephanie Bayless, CA 
    • Treasurer
      • Mary McRobinson, CA
    • Regent for Exam Development
      • Cheryl Oestreicher, CA
    • Regent for Outreach
      • Dina Mazina, CA
    • Nominations Committee Member
      • Kristy Martin, CA

    Each year we welcome new board members to our leadership team. We couldn’t do this without all of you who agreed to run as candidates. Thank you so much for considering these board roles and lending your expertise and energy to the Academy and all Certified Archivists! Thank you also to the members who engaged in the process.

    Congratulations to our new board members!

    Board Member Photos

    ACA Nominating Committee: Emily Hughes Dominick, CA; Ann Abney, CA; Yayoi Tsutsui, CA; Rachael Bussert, CA

  • Meet the ACA Candidates!

    The 2024 ACA Election is coming up! Ballots will be emailed on May 1 and voting will be open until May 15.

    Join us for an informal Meet the Candidates event to learn more about the candidates on May 2 at 3:00 p.m. ET.

    Read about the slate of candidates on ACA’s website at www.certifiedarchivists.org/2024-election

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 814 8105 6995

    Passcode: 710571

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kb5XJVWBHt

  • Job Analysis Survey Open!

    The ACA is conducting a survey as part of an updated job analysis to assess the skills and responsibilities that comprise archival work and define the archivist profession in 2024 and beyond. We would appreciate your participation. The results of the new job analysis will provide crucial information to the profession about how archives jobs have changed with the advent of new technologies, new processes, and new theories. ACA hopes to share the results of the survey with all Archivists through the SAA 2025 Research Forum.

    The survey should take about 40 minutes to complete. While the survey may be completed on a phone or mobile device, ACA recommends completing the survey using a desktop computer or laptop for readability. You may leave the survey and finish at a later time by clicking the link again. The survey will close April 18, and we appreciate your participation. 

    To take the survey please go to: https://kryteriononline.co1.qualtrics.com/j fe/form/SV_0GqxEPw7I147PO6

  • The 2024 Reading List and Study Guide are available!

    In a change from previous years, the Reading List is no longer organized by Domain but instead as a bibliography with notations of all the domains a source covers. Many sources touch on multiple domains, and the Exam Development Committee hopes this new format helps guide your studying. When available, there is a link to an open access version of a source as well.

    The Study Guide has also been updated. We recommend you start by reviewing the Role Delineation Statement, and review the key archival terms and concepts. Also included are some study tips, primarily based on the experiences of past exam candidates.

    Throughout the next few months, we encourage you to ask questions of the ACA and each other. Teams channels are set up where you can post general questions or specific ones about a domain. If you are interested, email examadmin@certifiedarchivists.org to get added to a Teams group.

    We wish you the best of luck as you study!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Salons:

"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET

Examination Dates

The CA exam will next be held June 12–14, 2025.

The application period is open March 1 - April 30, 2025. Watch for future announcements about the application period. Please email examadmin@certifiedarchivists.org if you have any questions.

Not quite ready to take the exam? Here are the exam dates in future years. 

  • June 12–14, 2025
  • June 11–13, 2026
  • June 10–12, 2027
  • June 8–10, 2028
  • June 14-16, 2029

The ACA Board standardized the exam to be held each year over three consecutive days starting on the 2nd Thursday of June.