• 2023 Annual Business Meeting

    2023 Annual Business Meeting

    The Academy of Certified Archivists will hold our 2023 Annual Business Meeting virtually. All CAs are invited to join us on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 2:00 PM Eastern.

    An email with the Zoom details was sent on July 12th. Contact office@certifiedarchivists.org if you have questions.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

  • New Board Member!

    The board is pleased to announce Daniel McCormack, CA, as our new Regent for Outreach. The ACA Board appointed McCormack to this role after Ingi House, CA, had to resign from the position earlier this year. McCormack will serve out the remainder of the 2022-2024 term. Welcome!

  • RFP - Job Analysis

    It has been more than 30 years since the Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA) has conducted a job analysis. The profession has evolved in regards to skills, knowledge, practices, and standards. The ACA desires to use an updated job analysis to revise certification standards and requirements to ensure alignment of professional needs and expectations.  ACA is now looking to update our job analysis and our knowledge statements, and requests proposals and pricing from psychometric firms to conduct a job analysis for the ACA.

    A job analysis is a systematic process for collecting information regarding a job role in terms of the job functions (e.g., responsibilities/duties) and tasks performed on a job, as well as the knowledge and/or skills (e.g., competencies) required to perform those tasks. The results of the job analysis describe the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills that must be covered by the certification examination for it to be deemed valid, reliable, and legally defensible.

    The ACA seeks to execute a contract with the most responsible and responsive vendor whose bid proposal, conforming to this RFP, is most advantageous to ACA, price and all other factors considered.

    Full RFP can be found here. Deadline to submit is March 30, 2023.

    Contact Gerrianne Schaad for more information.


  • President Message - February 2023

    Winter 2023 

    Greetings! I am feeling energized and excited after our virtual mid-winter ACA Board meeting (convened February 11-12). One part of our meeting was devoted to reviewing our strategic directions over the past two years. It is amazing to see the progress we have made. Looking forward, we have some exciting plans underway.  


    One major goal is to complete a job analysis to update the definition of what it means to be an archivist. The thinking behind this is that the profession has evolved in regards to skills, knowledge, practices, and standards since a thorough profile of an archivist has been completed. Updating our understanding of the professional archivist by way of a systematic study will help us ensure that our certification examination is accurately covering the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills needed by archivists. Creating the job analysis is beyond the ability of the ACA board to undertake, and so upon recommendation from our psychometrician, we will hire professionals to do this work. Members of the ACA board have put together an RFP, which will be posted to the website and listservs, to seek out a firm to undertake the work of compiling the job analysis. As members of the Academy, you will be sought out for feedback along the way.  


    Our exam application period is opening on March 1—encourage colleagues, whether new to the profession or not, to sit for the exam! On March 9 at 7 p.m. EST, Rosemary Pleva Flynn, Regent for Exam Administration, will host an online Q&A session to answer any questions from prospective test-takers.  


    The election of new board members will be underway starting on April 10. Keep your eye out for the ballot. On April 5 at 5 p.m. EST, Gerrianne Schaad, Regent for Nominations, will host an online "meet the candidates" forum.  


    I am excited to announce that this year’s certification examination will be the first to include questions from our new domain: Cultural Competency. The ACA Cultural Competency Task Force, created on November 1, 2020, was charged with developing this domain. Thank you to the following members who put in many hours working on this: Helen Wong Smith, CA, Lead Co-Chair; Tomaro Taylor, CA, Co-Chair; Nicole Bubolo, CA; Sarah Calise, CA; Rebecca Hankins, CA; Sylvia Hernandez, CA; and Jill Tominosky, CA. On May 3 at 5 p.m. EST, Cheryl Oestreicher, Regent for Exam Development, will host an online Q&A session to talk about this newest domain. 

    Thank you for your continued support and membership. If you have feedback, questions, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to reach out to me or any one of the other board members.  


    Emily Hughes Dominick | President, 2022-2023 

    Academy of Certified Archivists 


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Salons:

"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET

Examination Dates

The CA exam will next be held June 12–14, 2025.

The application period is open March 1 - April 30, 2025. Watch for future announcements about the application period. Please email examadmin@certifiedarchivists.org if you have any questions.

Not quite ready to take the exam? Here are the exam dates in future years. 

  • June 12–14, 2025
  • June 11–13, 2026
  • June 10–12, 2027
  • June 8–10, 2028
  • June 14-16, 2029

The ACA Board standardized the exam to be held each year over three consecutive days starting on the 2nd Thursday of June.