Job Analysis Survey Open!

The ACA is conducting a survey as part of an updated job analysis to assess the skills and responsibilities that comprise archival work and define the archivist profession in 2024 and beyond. We would appreciate your participation. The results of the new job analysis will provide crucial information to the profession about how archives jobs have changed with the advent of new technologies, new processes, and new theories. ACA hopes to share the results of the survey with all Archivists through the SAA 2025 Research Forum.

The survey should take about 40 minutes to complete. While the survey may be completed on a phone or mobile device, ACA recommends completing the survey using a desktop computer or laptop for readability. You may leave the survey and finish at a later time by clicking the link again. The survey will close April 18, and we appreciate your participation. 

To take the survey please go to: fe/form/SV_0GqxEPw7I147PO6