This list is a display of all active CAs and Emeritus CAs. Click here to update your profile information and opt into being listed in the CA Directory. The Public Directory only lists First Name, Last Name, and Member Type (Regular, Emeritus, or Provisional).
First Name Last Name Member Type
Natalie Pearmain Regular
Joseph Penza Regular
Robert Perret Provisional
Scott Pitol Regular
Laura M. Poll Regular
Annie Reid Regular
Heather Reinold Regular
Felicia Render Regular
Fatemeh Rezaei Regular
Amanda Rindler Regular
Ellen Ryan Regular
Anne Salsich Emeritus
Richard L. Saunders Emeritus
Gerrianne Schaad Regular
Barbara Scheibel Regular
Christopher Schreck Regular
Sarah Schubert Regular
Emily Scott Regular
Paul Scott Regular
Elizabeth Scott Regular
John M. Scroggins Emeritus
Zachariah Selley Regular
David Sharron Regular
Gillian Shaw Regular
Sara Shreve Provisional

Upcoming Events

August 5 at 3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Annual Membership Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 5461 3436
Passcode: 598757