This list is a display of all active CAs and Emeritus CAs. Click here to update your profile information and opt into being listed in the CA Directory. The Public Directory only lists First Name, Last Name, and Member Type (Regular, Emeritus, or Provisional).
First Name Last Name Member Type
Dana Dorman Regular
Steve Duckworth Regular
Grace Eng Regular
Chris Ervin Regular
Karen Feeney Regular
Amy Fels Regular
Rosemary Flynn Regular
Isabel Folck Regular
Marie Force Regular
Ronda Frazier Regular
Edna Fugate Regular
Alison Fulmer Regular
Ted Fung Provisional
Emily Gainer Regular
Shelley Gayler-Smith Regular
Grant Gerlich Regular
Amanda Gesiorski Regular
Courtney Gillie Regular
Karen Glenn Regular
Elizabeth Glenn Regular
Megan Good Regular
Lauren Goodley Regular
Matthew Gorzalski Regular
Connor Graham Regular
Katie Gray Regular

Upcoming Events

August 5 at 3:00-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Annual Membership Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 5461 3436
Passcode: 598757